Use "pronoun|pronouns" in a sentence

1. Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.

2. 12 Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.

3. Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents - When an indefinite pronoun is the antecedent of a personal pronoun, the personal pronoun must agree in number with the indefinite pronoun

4. According to, Anaphoric pronouns are pronouns that refer to an antecedent pronoun – a function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase

5. Pronouns Confusable subject-vs-object-pronouns subject-pronouns

6. Before we discuss the other types of pronouns, let’s pause and discuss the concept of pronoun Antecedents

7. Adjective or Pronoun? Some words can be pronouns or Adjectives, depending upon how they are used in a sentence

8. Pronouns and Antecedents Pronouns and Antecedents reviews the need for pronouns when speaking and writing

9. Antecedents and Personal Pronouns Often, an Antecedent is the word, phrase, or clause that you replace with a third-person personal pronoun:

10. Antecedents and Personal Pronouns Often, an antecedent is the word, phrase, or clause that you replace with a third-person personal pronoun:

11. 16 While the first and the second person pronouns mainly perform deictic functions, the third person pronoun is of anaphoric reference in a text.

12. Pronouns and Their Antecedents

13. 'Mine' and 'yours' are possessive pronouns.

14. Even pronouns are on the move.

15. 'This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns.

16. Declension of a pronoun Cascadingly: RamanaMurthy Bathala: 7/3/17 5:07 AM: Dear Sir, “SabdaManjari” and “A Higher Sanskrit Grammar (MR KALE)” give a list of 35 pronouns.

17. Anyone, Anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns

18. Anyone, anybody and Anything are indefinite pronouns

19. These may take pronominal suffixes (see Pronouns).

20. Anyone, Anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns

21. When do you use the reflexive pronouns?

22. Anyone, anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns

23. 12 'He' and 'him' are masculine pronouns.

24. Anyone, anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns

25. Also, both somebody and Anybody are pronouns

26. Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses.

27. We use Adjectives to alter nouns and pronouns

28. Improper combinations of pronouns and Antecedents, like all grammar

29. In this way, pronouns and Antecedents are invariably linked

30. I, we, she, and they are all nominative pronouns.

31. My pronouns are yes and Bronouns are all

32. Appositive phrases are nouns or pronouns with modifiers.

33. Personal pronouns may also be inseparably attached to nouns.

34. Reflexive pronouns can be the object of a preposition.

35. Demonstrative pronouns are suffixes that are attached to the corresponding noun.

36. Pronouns should agree with their Antecedents in number, gender, and person

37. More significantly, pronouns, which generally remain permanent in a language, were affected.

38. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession for nouns, but not pronouns (i.e

39. The paragraph is rendered ambiguous by the writer's careless use of pronouns.

40. Amnesty On the role of resumptive pronouns in Amnestying island constraint violations

41. Practice: Pronoun-Antecedent agreement

42. Lexical Anaphors and Pronouns in Selected South Asian Languages: A Principled Typology

43. An appositive is a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun. Appositives are placed directly after the noun or pronoun they identify.

44. Amethyst has been confirmed to be a demigirl, and uses she/they pronouns

45. Some Butches will take on masculine nicknames, and some may use masculine pronouns

46. She/her/hers and he/him/his are a few Commonly used pronouns

47. Halsey skewered a magazine for “disrespecting” their pronouns and “Bastardising” their words

48. The demonstrative pronouns in Yicheng Dialect falls into two : this and that.

49. The first and second person pronouns are independent of the noun class system.

50. Improper combinations of pronouns and Antecedents, like all grammar disasters, can result in confusion.

51. 6 The paragraph is rendered ambiguous by the writer's careless use of pronouns.

52. But it cannot account for the case when the pronouns any nearby prior antecedent.

53. They just got the pronoun wrong.

54. Here you should use plural pronoun.

55. So when Jesus referred to what the helper would do, he used masculine personal pronouns.

56. Clitics can belong to any grammatical category, although they are commonly pronouns, determiners, or adpositions

57. In English, only the pronouns 'me', 'him', 'her', 'us', and 'them' are in the Accusative.

58. There are Accusative forms for other pronouns: man becomes einen, keiner → keinen, and wer → wen

59. Pronouns, adjectives and copulas reflect the noun gender of the nominal they refer to.

60. AdjectiveS ARE MODIFIERS that describe or provide more specific information about nouns and pronouns.

61. Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.

62. An Antecedent comes before a pronoun

63. In English, only the pronouns 'me,' 'him,' 'her,' 'us,' and 'them' are in the Accusative.

64. Correlative conjunctions also make pronoun agreement tricky

65. Aught is a pronoun meaning anything whatever

66. The Apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to mark omissions and possessives of nouns and pronouns.

67. Halberstam acknowledges that he is "a bit of a free floater" when it comes to pronouns.

68. After preposition the objective case of pronouns should be used, but he used the nominative case.

69. She included difficult filler items without pronouns to divert the subjects' attention from the anaphoric expressions.

70. 14 Is a relative pronoun necessary here?

71. 2 Here you should use plural pronoun.

72. Most commonly, an Antecedent has a personal pronoun, as it does in the previous example (her), a demonstrative pronoun

73. More meanings for أنتم ('Antum) you pronoun.

74. An Appositive is a noun or pronoun

75. 15 This is a first personal pronoun.

76. For example, pronouns referring to Deity are lowercased in some quotations and capitalized in others.

77. The most typical and complicated deictic words in modern Chinese are demonstrative pronouns this and that.

78. 13 Each other is a reciprocal pronoun.

79. An Appositive is a noun or pronoun — often with modifiers — set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it

80. 11 She included difficult filler items without pronouns to divert the subjects' attention from the anaphoric expressions.